Welcome to CoderDojo Indigo!
What is CoderDojo?
A place to have fun learning about technology and coding
Learn to think about how websites, apps, animations and games are built ⇒ by creating some of your own!
Collaborate ⇒ Work together or support what others are creating, share ideas, techniques and suggestions
As we advance our skills ⇒ become Mentors to help others learn
We'll review a few basics, then jump right into coding projects. Always feel free to ask questions or use a "Red Cup" to get help from a Mentor.
What can you create with code?
What can you create with code?
Art, Stories, & Animation
(Pictures from projects found on the Scratch website)
What can you create with code?
Interactive Projects
(Pictures from Monterey Bay Aquarium and Tech Museum)
What can you create with code?
And, of course, Games!
How to Build Things
The basic steps:
What is Scratch?
Easy: It's online and very simple to get started; great built-in guides and tutorials; Free!
Fast: Use visual building blocks to see your ideas and interactions working right away
Flexible: You can make many kinds of projects ⇒ games, animations, interactive stories, art
Collaborative: Explore projects by others; "Share", "See Inside" and "Remix"!
By using Scratch, you'll learn many common coding concepts used in programming languages to build websites, apps and games.
Join and Sign in at Scratch
Things to do on Scratch
Explore: Browse around and see what others are creating
Learn: Click "See Inside" on any shared project to see how they were created
Create: Select "Create" from the menu to start your own projects OR start by clicking "Remix" any shared project
Be part of the Community: Leave Comments, "Like" or "Favorite" projects AND share your own projects
New to Scratch?
Select "Create" from the menu to start a new project and select "Tips" from the menu OR click the "?" on the right to access Step-by-Step Guides